
University of Denver Partners With 2 u . n:行情).

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正规赌博十大平台排行校长Rebecca Chopp与Andrew Hermalyn签署合作协议, executive vice president of strategic partnerships for 2U inc. They are joined by Dean Brent Chrite 和 Dean Am和a Moore McBride.
正规赌博十大平台排行校长Rebecca Chopp与Andrew Hermalyn签署合作协议, executive vice president of strategic pa

The University of Denver today announced a partnership with 2 u . n:行情). 推出两个在线学位课程,从而将该大学的高质量课程扩展到丹佛市场之外.

新的MBA@Denver将提供在线工商管理硕士(MBA)学位, 而新的MSW@Denver将允许学生在线攻读社会工作硕士(MSW)。. 这两个选项将作为2U新的国内研究生项目(DGP), which partners with top-rated institutions such as Northwestern, UC-Berkeley 和 Yale to provide comprehensive, rigorous 和 quality digital education.

正规赌博十大平台排行正在推动许多行业的专业教育的界限,” said Chancellor Rebecca Chopp. “Through our partnership with 2U, 来自世界各地的学生将有机会从我们的商业和社会工作教师的专业知识中受益,扩大我们的毕业生在全球的影响力.”

This move grows out of DU’s strategic plan, Du冲击2025, 它要求大学为各行各业的学生扩大机会和机会.

“We know that our future leaders, 尤其是那些将受益于正规赌博十大平台排行提供的优秀研究生学位的学生, already have busy professional 和 personal lives,” said Provost Gregg Kvistad. “以混合形式提供我们的两个标志性项目——MBA和城市生活垃圾——为那些本来没有机会的人提供了智力参与和培训的好处."


这两个新项目中的每一个都将提供DU教育的独特体验. The MBA@Denver program will draw on expertise in DU’s Daniels College of Business 提供与学院校内同类课程相同的学术质量和严谨性课程. 这个新项目是专门为那些希望在攻读MBA的同时继续自己的职业生涯的早期和中期职业人士设计的.

MBA@Denver学生和教师每周将在亲密的研讨会式设置中进行在线直播课程. Between live class sessions, students will study interactive course content created by Daniels faculty. Students will also come together for deep immersive experiences, allowing them to develop their leadership capacities, 与同伴互动, engage in action-learning activities, 和 network with corporate partners, entrepreneurs 和 faculty members.

Because today’s global marketplace is defined by profound disruptions, competitive pressures 和 demographic shifts, 该计划还将帮助学生发展和加强技术技能和必要的适应能力.

“我们很高兴能够开发一种新的MBA体验,使专业人士在这个动荡的经济环境中成为直接的价值创造者,布伦特·克里特说, dean at the Daniels College. “我们与2U合作的新在线MBA课程采用创新技术,满足不断变化且联系日益紧密的全球劳动力的许多需求. MBA@Denver将帮助在职专业人士通过丹尼尔斯学院的MBA学习提升他们的职业生涯,而无需从他们的社区搬迁.”

The Graduate School of Social Work 和 2U will collaborate on MSW@Denver. 社会工作研究生院于2016年推出了在线城市生活垃圾,现在将利用2U的平台和完善的基础设施来吸引, 招收, 教育, support 和 graduate their online students. Committed to excellence in teaching, 奖学金, 和 community leadership 和 service, 学校的使命是培养社会责任和社会经济正义, quality of life 和 multicultural communities, based on equality for all people. 社会工作硕士的校园项目在全国所有认证项目中排名前7% U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道.

MSW@Denver will feature collaborative live classes that facilitate face-to-face interaction; high-quality, interactive coursework developed by social work faculty who teach on campus; 和 h和s-on internship experience at field sites chosen with each student’s career goals in mind. MSW@Denver课程将提供社会工作实践的通才视角, preparing students to work with individuals, 家庭, 组, communities 和 organizations. 与2U的合作也支持了该校对社会正义的承诺, accessibility 和 inclusion—both operationally 和 substantively. 最初的重点是提供创伤知情护理,随后将提供多样化和包容性社会工作技能的新市场, community development 和 nonprofit management.

“At the Graduate School of Social Work, 我们致力于社会工作教育的创新和个性化的学习选择,” said Am和a Moore McBride, dean of the Graduate School of Social Work. “我们与2U的合作将使我们能够为更多有抱负的社会工作者提供优质的社会工作教育, 同时让我们的学生在需要他们的技能和支持的社区生活和实践.”