
正规赌博十大平台排行非常重视我们的印第安人和土著社区成员. As such, we commit to reckoning with and learning from the University’s complex history and our founder John Evans's culpability in the 1864 Sand Creek Massacre, 继续影响该机构与美国原住民和土著社区的关系.


  • 承认我们的建国与历史上定居者对纽特人的暴力有牵连。, Tsitsista (Cheyenne), 和伊诺诺伊诺(阿拉帕霍)民族
  • Acknowledge and understand how this institution has fallen short in providing sufficient support to our Native American and Indigenous community members—most especially in the context of our history
  • 优先考虑治愈美洲原住民和土著学生, staff, and faculty, now and into the future, 确保他们感到受欢迎, 在正规赌博十大平台排行得到全面支持和庆祝
  • Develop meaningful and reciprocal relationships with Denver and Colorado Native American and Indigenous community to further healing and increase equity on the DU campus and in the local community

这项工作直到2013年才真正开始 John Evans Study Committee 只得到了学校极少的支持. 通过委员会的研究, writing and outreach, 他们探索了大学的历史, 特别是我们建国时的情况. They also provided strategic recommendations for how DU could better engage and support Native American and Indigenous community members.

2016年,肖普校长成立了 印第安人包容性特别工作组which provided a detailed plan to build upon and expand the scope of the recommendations of the John Evans Committee.

In early 2017, 杜克大学与北夏安族建立了正式的伙伴关系, Southern Cheyenne, 和阿拉帕霍民族通过美洲原住民社区咨询委员会, which lead to 2018年4月,在德里斯科尔学生会升起国旗.

在2020年秋天,Haefner总理和其他DU领导人做出了 seven commitments ,以加强现有的措施, 建立问责制,建立动力.

我们的美洲原住民和土著的倡议还在继续. 这些举措包括通过支持和财政援助增加获得杜里大学教育的机会. 它们还包括解决印第安人和土著教职员工的招聘和保留问题, 在校园内建造沙溪大屠杀纪念馆, 以及一个永久性的室内展览,附带杜的历史课程, 并探索建立一个美洲原住民和土著研究中心, among other efforts.

This website will document all of this work and serve as a centralized location for updates on our progress to fulfill the commitments we have made to better engage and support DU’s Native American and Indigenous community members, partners and friends.



In 2013, a group of 11 DU faculty members organized the University of Denver John Evans Study Committee and conducted an independent inquiry regarding Evans' role in the 1864 Sand Creek massacre. 2014年,该委员会发布了报告. 这项研究对了解正规赌博十大平台排行的历史至关重要.

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Campus Leadership

steve Rose Tohdacheeny Lee (din),博士

steve Rose Tohdacheeny Lee (din),博士

|多元化、公平副主任 & 包容印第安人倡议

Stevie Lee

steve Rose Tohdacheeny Lee博士. (din),来自新墨西哥州的Shiprock,位于纳瓦霍族. 目前,Stevie担任多元化、公平副总监 & 正规赌博十大平台排行的印第安人包容计划. She works in the capacity of providing support for current Native American/Indigenous undergraduate and graduate students with the goal of academic success, retention, 在毕业的同时,帮助建立一个基于社会和文化支持的社区.

Stevie's research passions and professional interests both focus on the areas of enhancing our educational systems to increase access, equity, 以及在高等教育中坚持与土著社区合作. 史蒂夫也是一个校友('10,MA)和土著亲和校友组的骄傲的成员. 最后,Stevie的个人爱好是户外运动,是一名狂热的马拉松运动员(55岁以上).

Chris A. Nelson, PhD

Chris A. Nelson (Diné, Laguna Pueblo), PhD

美国原住民和土著教务主任; Associate Professor, Morgridge College of Education

Chris Nelson

Chris A. Nelson, Ph.D.它属于西南部的迪奈尔和拉古纳普韦布洛部落. 克里斯加入了DEI团队,担任印第安人倡议的教务主任. Chris, 与史蒂夫·李和其他教务主任一起工作, 为杜克大学印第安人倡议的未来提供了愿景和评估. 通过这个角色和她的学术专长, 克里斯帮助学校更好地为我们的土著社区服务. She received her doctorate in Higher Education from the University of Arizona’s Center for the Study of Higher Education. 

拥有超过10年的高等教育经验, 她在STEM的教育途径方面有着广泛的经验, policy research, and student affairs. The research she engages with strives to challenge the status quo of higher education for Native students and their communities. 主要研究方向为高等教育中的金融, 从学生经历到政策. Chris also blends critical theory and Indigenous perspectives/methods to explore the long-term impacts of pre-college access programs.

Kelly Fayard, Ph.D.

Kelly Fayard (Poarch Band of Creek), PhD

印第安人和土著教师顾问, 文化人类学助理教授

Kelly Fayard

Kelly Fayard, Ph.D. 是印第安人Poarch部落的一名公民,来自洛杉矶(另一个下洛杉矶的亚拉巴马州).  她于2019年加入正规赌博十大平台排行人类学系,担任助理教授.  Before her current position, 她是耶鲁学院的副院长和美国原住民文化中心的主任, 同侪联络计划的主管, 耶鲁大学梅隆·鲍切特本科生研究奖学金主任.  Prior to that, she held a position as assistant professor of anthropology in the Sociology and Anthropology Department at Bowdoin College.  2014-2015年,她在新墨西哥州圣达菲高级研究学院获得安妮·雷奖学金. Dr. Fayard 正规赌博十大平台排行本土学生联盟的指导老师吗.

她的研究主要涉及阿拉巴马州南部的印第安人部落, where she is enrolled.  她的研究调查了被认定为印第安印第安人的Poarch部落意味着什么, 阿拉巴马州联邦政府承认的一个部落. 本研究考察了Poarch Creek用来定义自己为Creek的方法和行动, 考虑到人们对印度身份的刻板印象和假设.

Billy Stratton, PhD

Billy Stratton, PhD

博士学位,美国印第安人研究大学与NAAC的联络人; Associate Professor of English and Literary Arts


Billy Stratton

Billy J. Stratton is a first-generation college graduate who grew up a hop and a skip away from Loretta Lynn's home in the heart of eastern Kentucky. He earned a BA, with honors, 毕业于迈阿密大学(牛津), Ohio, 2002)英语和哲学博士学位.亚利桑那大学美洲印第安人研究博士(2008年). 他的教学和研究围绕当代印第安人和美国文学展开, 同时也教授生态批评领域的专题, dystopian worlds, posthumanism, and creative writing, 以及美国西部和南部的文学.

His criticism, fiction, commentary, 和编辑工作出现在劳特利奇的许多书中, Oxford University Press, 密歇根州立大学出版社, 以及《正规赌博十大平台排行》等期刊, Cream City Review, Salon, 美国文化杂志, The Independent, Wicazo-Sa Review, Rhizomes, SAIL, Big Muddy, 《正规赌博十大平台排行》一书的作者, Indian Captivity, 《正规赌博十大平台排行》(2013), 同时担任《正规赌博十大平台排行》(2016)的特约编辑。. Finally, he has been instrumental in efforts to create dialogue and historical understanding at the University of Denver around the issue of the Sand Creek massacre.

支持原住民和美国原住民学生 & Apply for Scholarships

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    The 美国原住民学生奖学金 at DU helps students attain a college education that will benefit not only them 而是他们的家庭和社区, too.


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    The 美国原住民学生支持基金 seeks to empower the Native American student community at DU by bolstering programs such as the annual New Beginnings Pow Wow and traditional blanket wrapping ceremonies at commencement.


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    The 美国原住民学生奖学金 fund through DU's Sturm College of Law exists to help law students attain a college education that will benefit not only them, 而是他们的家庭和社区. 

    Visit the Scholarship & Student Success page for more information 

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    DU Empowerment Scholarship

    The DU Empowerment Scholarship 包括学费的标准费用. 因为经济需要是必需的, you must submit the FAFSA, CSS Profile, 以及其他需要考虑的文件.

    虽然服务和参与美国原住民社区是这两项奖学金的指导原则, 对你的正规赌博十大平台排行申请进行全面审查有助于我们的委员会做出选择. 获奖者将在四月初收到通知.



Native Student Alliance

The Native Student Alliance (NSA) is a DU community consisting of (but not limited to) students and faculty of Indigenous American descent. 国家安全局的目标是提高DU校园的意识和盟友,并为成员提供奖学金和支持, 以及促进多样性.

Connect with NSA

Ad Hoc Native American & 土著领导委员会


  • Chris A. Nelson, K'awaika & 教授,助理教授
    Chris Nelson

    Christine (Chris) Nelson, PhD (She/Her), 加入了DEI团队,担任印第安人倡议的教务主任. Chris, 与史蒂夫·李和其他教务主任一起工作, 为杜克大学印第安人倡议的未来提供了愿景和评估. 通过这个角色和她的学术专长, 克里斯帮助学校更好地为我们的土著社区服务. She utilizes a blending of critical theory and Indigenous relationality theory to explore the purpose of higher education. By addressing the collective and political factors influencing college access and completion for Indigenous college students, 克里斯努力支持土著社区的教育愿望.

  • Miriam Valdovinos, Xicana土著人 & Purepecha | DU学院,助理教授
    Miriam Valdovinos

    In her research, Miriam (She/Her) is committed to addressing the health effects of intimate partner violence (IPV) experiences in Latinx and incorporating Indigenous healing with families. 她拥有华盛顿大学社会福利博士学位和女权主义研究研究生证书. 作为西迦土著社会福利学者, 她以证言叙事方法为中心, culture, healing, and resistance.

  • Rosemarie Escalante, Pascua Yaquí | DU研究生和MBA市场营销候选人
    Rosemarie Escalante

    罗斯玛丽(她/她)是目前杜MBA候选人,拥有超过五年的市场营销经验, legal, and business experience. I strive to represent the Indigenous Initiatives of the council with as much focus and drive as that exhibited by my ancestors.

  • Mason Estes, La Jolla Band & Luiseño |大学本科,市场营销专业,国家安全局本科代表
    Mason Estes

    梅森·埃斯蒂斯(他/他)是拉霍亚乐队- Luiseño在他的大四在正规赌博十大平台排行. Mason is from Broomfield, 科罗拉多大学,主修市场营销,辅修领导力和政治学. Mason will be serving as the University of Denver's undergraduate student body vice president next year and hopes to pursue a future in organizing and contributing to the liberation of Indigenous people around the world.

  • Reshawn Edison,大学本科,人类学专业
    Reshawn Edison

    (他/他)体现了他祖先的坚韧和野心. As an Indigenous scholar, he has immersed himself through the lens of Anthropology which has allowed him to become grounded while inspiring in the way he perceives the world. 他是一名全职学生,同时也是一名兼职艺术家.

  • 泰勒·卢塞罗,拉古纳普韦布洛人,杜克大学本科,犯罪学专业,国家安全局联合主席
    Taylor Lucero

    我叫Taylor Lucero(她/她). 我来自新墨西哥州拉古纳的普韦布洛. I will be a rising senior, 主修犯罪学,辅修心理学和批判种族 & Ethnic Studies. 我也是DU本土学生联盟的联合主席.

  • Stevie Lee, Diné | PhD.DEI印第安人倡议副主任
    Stevie Lee

    Stevie Rose Tohdacheeny Lee(她/她),博士.来自新墨西哥州的希普罗克,位于纳瓦霍族. Currently, 史蒂夫在多样性办公室担任临时印第安人联络员和项目经理, Equity, 以及正规赌博十大平台排行的包容性. She works in the capacity of providing support for current Native American/Indigenous undergraduate and graduate students with the goal of academic success, retention, 在毕业的同时,帮助建立一个基于社会和文化支持的社区. 

  • 黑脚的Chenoa Crowshoe-Patterson & Karuk | DU Alum,专门从事社会工作,心理健康和教育
    Chenoa Crowshoe-Patterson

    Chenoa (She/Her) hopes to bring learned skills and knowledge from her past and current work and time spent learning in the Native community to priorities and goals of the Indigenous perspective to DU’s Native American and 土著领导委员会.